About us


To become the best professional service provider in China for machinery field


To suit with market need and provide totalsolution to customer, Advanced TechnologyDepartment (ATD) was formed in 1990. ATDaims atproviding more advanced machinery–3DMetrology System, Precision Measuringinstrument, 3D Printing System, SMT ElectronicEquipment and 3D Laser Welding machine etc.,and also provide the relevant professionaltraining courses. Foresee the labor shortage, theincrease of labor cost and the high demands onproduct accuracy; Pro-Technic established theAutomation Department in 2008 to providecustomers integrated solution of high precisionmachine with equipment and software. Itperfectly match with growingconcern forIndustries 4.0


In 1987, Pro-Technic formed the ChinaTrade Department for developing the marketin China. Now we have 20 branch offices andfour Solution Centers all over China. Astechnology keep on improving anddeveloping, machine reliability andmaintenance are quiteimportant. To ensurethe service quality, Pro-Technic employsservice engineer through serious selectionand provide regular on the job and overseastraining. Customer Service Departmentincluding Hong Kong and the Mainland staffcomprises of more than 180 experiencedengineers and are divided into severalspecialized sections. Customer ServiceDepartment aims at “Customer-Oriented,Efficient with Effective” provide professional advice and technologicalsupport to customers. To ensure the companyoverall service quality match withinternational standard, Pro-Technic got ISOcertificate in 1998 and adopted SAP as ERPsystem in 2009 to further increase theoperational efficiency and service quality.



Pro-Technic actively providing high precisionmachines and advanced technology including ourown developed machines and MES to theindustry. Every year, Pro-Technic participatesover 10 public exhibitions, hold private show andtechnical week in Solution Centres; organizeseminar together with professional association tointroduce latest technology and machinery totheir members in order to keep pace with theirbusiness development; holds overseas studymission and technical forum regularly. Thosehelp to provide communication platform betweenmanufacturer and customer so that manufacturerknows more about customers’ concern andenhance confidence in products. Throughtechnical magazine, newspaper and Pro-Technicbimonthly news, latest machinery andtechnological information are conveyed tocustomers.



  • Provide high quality and efficient service and innovationproduction technology for customers
  • Contribute to the implementation of “Industrie 4.0”development in China
  • Provide customers with Total Solution and integrated flexiblemanufacturing system
  • Cultivate technical expert to maintain and strengthen the rapidresponse capability in service
  • Assist industrial development in China as well as feedback tosociety


FASTCELL flexibleproduction systems

  • Pro-Technic Machinerydeveloped itsown operatingsystem to make the systemeasier to operate, smootherand more flexible
  •  24 hours automaticoperation, improveproduction efficiency
  • Only need a smart phone ortablet, through the “wirelessLAN system”, real-timemonitoring of productionanywhere, anytime, toachieve intelligent productionand management

Provide qualitymachinery andservices


  • Pro-Technic Machinery hasbeen in business for 45 yearssince its establishment in1977. It devotes itself tointroducing new technologiesand processes to the industryand providing excellentmachines.
  • Service Center have been allover mainland China, with alarge and professionalengineering team, as well asrich experience to provide ourclients with quality andefficient Pre-saleand Post-sale service.

GOM-3D OpticalScanner


  • Faced with increasinglycomplex, more and morefunctions of products, butshorter product cycles.Manufacturers are faced withincreased product accuracy,tightproduction times andincreased costs. At this time,3D scanning and detectioncan solve all your troubles.
  • GOM is the world’s mostadvanced three-dimensionalscanners that can easily scandifferent products and outputreverse engineering files; wewill also provide customerswith 3D scanning services.