The grand launch of EXTEND 3D Laser and Video Projection EXTEND 3D Laser and Video Projection


Werklicht® by EXTEND3D consists of “eyes” in the form of one or two cameras, and an industrial laser or an industrial QHD projector for projection. The existing CAD data from all standard data formats is input into the system. The software then compares the saved plans with the real work piece, either with the aid of markers “simply” affixed to the work piece or markerless. Both the work piece and the projector can adopt different positions in the process, or can even move – the motion is compensated by the software in real time. On the other hand, the accurate marking of working points, areas or notes on work steps directly on the work piece. Laser and video projection enable different applications. Furthermore, different surfaces or colours can be simulated in the correct perspective or hidden areas shown by projecting static or moving images in 3D.
Please contact Pro-Technic’s service hotline: 400-889-8282.