From metal manufacturing to legal interpretation, Pro-Technic Machinery Limited has diversified cooperation.

May 24, 2024, is a unique day dedicated to collaboration and communication. The same day, in the morning, the leadership team of Pro-Tech Machinery Limited had a thorough discussion with distinguished guests from Hong Kong, including members of “The Hong Kong Metals Manufacturers Association.” who were accompanied by Chairman Dr. Suen Chor Keung, Alexis, and representatives from “Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council”

The General Manager of Pro-Technic Machinery Ltd.’s Dongguan Sales Department, Mr. Ben Ng, cordially welcomed visitors from a distance and hosted a symposium to provide a brief overview of Pro-Technic Machinery’s development history, company scope, and future ambitions. Describe how the goods from Pro-Technic Machinery Ltd. are cutting edge and offer exceptional value for money. Afterwards, the delegates went to Pro-Technic Machinery Ltd.’s exhibition hall with Mr. Ben Ng,  in tow. The exhibition hall showcases a range of precision machinery items and the most recent technological advancements, showcasing Pro-Technic Machinery Ltd.’s superiority in the metal manufacturing industry. Representatives of the “Hong Kong Metal Manufacturers Association” and the “Hong Kong Young Industrialists Council” expressed gratitude for the exchange, which offers both parties an uncommon forum for cooperation and exchange, fosters mutual understanding and trust, and advances their respective futures. collaboration and advancement.

That day’s afternoon session on the interpretation of the “Company Law” was jointly hosted by the “Hong Kong Metal Manufacturers Association ” and the “Chang’an Foreign-Invested Enterprises Association” in the Pro-Technic Machinery Research Room. Up to 80 guests showed up for the lecture. Legal professionals provided a thorough interpretation of the pertinent sections of the new Company Law during the briefing session. It gives participants useful legal information and recommendations while concentrating on the practical and application examination of the five main issues.

In addition to strengthening the bonds of friendship between Pro-Technic Machinery Ltd. and the aforementioned three associations, the exchange day event was a great success and opened up possibilities for future collaboration. Pro-Technic Machinery Ltd. is committed to upholding the principles of transparent collaboration and inventive advancement, and will collaborate closely with all stakeholders to together build a more promising future.